
Selecting DOM elements in tests

When I searched the internet a while ago looking for the best way to reliably select DOM elements in tests, all the advices I found were about how to deal with existing applications, from a QA engineer point of view. But I was interested what approach would be the best to start with, to implement as a developer. That's the focus of this article.

Approaches to selecting DOM elements

Let's explore what are the options.

test-id and data-* attributes

A popular way to tag HTML elements for easier and more reliable selection in tests is by adding a test-id attribute:

<div test-id="I am the div that you need"></div>

The HTML spec does not allow random attributes on DOM elements, and test-id is not a standard attribute. We don't want to be arrested by the W3C police department, so let's consider it a pass.

data-* attributes, for instance data-test-id or data-cy, are conceptually no different from test-id, but HTML spec-compliant.

Selectors spec lists a few the ways of selecting DOM elements using HTML attributes, here's an example of using such selectors in JavaScript:

# to find <div data-cy="foo">hi</div>

# to find <div test-id="barbecue">hi</div> or <div test-id="barbara">hi</div>

Nothing prevents us to use multiple data-* attributes, adding elaborate meta information to the DOM elements.

One question, though: if we put an effort into exposing this much data into the DOM, why not make it accessible to the user?

Exposing React component names manually

If frontenders think in components (i.e. React components), and often even test not the whole application but individual components, why wouldn't they share this mindset with QAs and expose the component names into the DOM?

The outer DOM elements of components might be given an attribute like data-component-name or just data-component:

const MyComponent = ({name}) => (
  <div data-component="MyComponent">
    <div>Hello, {name}!</div>

We tried this in a big project and it worked, but there's a downside: testing code becomes tangled with the frontend code implementation details, which React components are; refactoring components might break tests.

Using React component names effortlessly

This is a twist on the previous idea.

If you have the React Developer Tools extension installed, you should be familiar with the Components tab in the browser console. Think for a moment what happens when you click the rectangle and cursor icon on the Components tab in console: you select a DOM element on the page and see the corresponding component in the tree of React components. So there's obviously a mapping between the two!

Webdriver.io pioneered with this approach, providing the API that allows to find DOM elements by React component names. It uses the resq library under the hood, and anyone can use that library even directly, without webdriver.io. Want to try? Here's how to do it using vanilla JS:

  1. Open any website that uses React. This website uses React, so you can just stay on this page and proceed to the next step.

  2. Open the browser console. Make sure you have React Developer Tools browser extension installed. Once the extension is installed, you should see the "Components" tab.

  3. Import the resq library into the page as a global variable. In a real project you might want to install the resq package from npm, but because resq exports a UMD module, here's a fun way to inject it into any existing page. Paste the following into the browser console and hit Enter:

const script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript'
script.src = 'https://unpkg.com/resq@1.10.1/dist/index.js'

Now you've got resq object available (type resq and hit Enter in the console, there should be no error). The resq API is described at https://github.com/baruchvlz/resq.

  1. In the browser console, open the Components tab, find and remember any component name. If the code is minified, most of the component names will be one or two letter words.

  2. Explore the DOM tree ("Elements" tab in the console in Chrome) and find the root node of the application. If you don't have access to the source code it takes a bit of a guess work, usually that's something like <div id="app">, <div id="root">, <div id="___gatsby"> or <div id="__next">.

// The React application's root node
const appRootNode = document.getElementById('__next')

// A component name from the Components tab
const componentName = 'Button' // replace with any actual name!

// Returns the DOM node
resq.resq$(componentName, appRootNode).node

VoilĂ  - we are able to select DOM elements by React component names even out of a coplete soup of divs with zero effort from the frontenders.

There's a challange, though: most React apps go through code minification in the build step, and what I found tricky was to minify the code while keeping the component names not minified. I tinkered with webpack settings, to no success. Theoretically source maps should help, but the sourcemap support in resq is still pending. Note that the minified names change on every re-build, so it doesn't make sense to hardcode those in tests.

This approach has the same downside as the previous approach - it's not refactoring-friendly, and in addition it relies on React's internals which theoretically can change any time with the version change of React.

XPath selectors

While XPath is sometimes mentioned as a way to select DOM elements, it's just a programming API which bears no additional semantics. And the point of this article is to agree on semantics.

Selecting via accessibility attributes

Consider a not-so-semantic piece of HTML, which thanks to some CSS and JS visually appears as a familiar widget, for instance a range slider. Useful for a person without disabilities, not so useful for a screen reader trying to pronounce the contents of the page to a visually-impaired user.

A better way would be to use semantically appropriate HTML elements and aria-* attributes, so not only we will not have to reinvent with data-* attributes what's already been thought through with ARIA, but also to finally start paying real attention to the accessibility of our web apps.

It's not that accessibility requires a lot of effort to implement, but it does require an effort to figure it out - there's a learning curve for developers. Screen readers need the same hints to read the web page out loud that a testing code needs, and if application accessibility becomes crucial for testing, developers can finally allocate some time to learn about accessibility and simplyfy life of both testers and people with disabilities. A double win!

For more details on how to use assessibility-related properties of DOM elements in tests, check out the next post.


We compared various approaches to selecting DOM elements in tests and concluded that using accessibility attributes for selecting DOM elements could be the best approach in many cases.